Line Editing Service

A Deep sentence-level edit


Our line editing service is where the magic happens. We'll meticulously refine your manuscript at the sentence and paragraph level.

For fiction and memoir, we'll help you use vivid descriptions and impactful dialogue to bring your story to life. For nonfiction, we’ll ensure your ideas are conveyed clearly through careful word choice.

During the line edit, we'll enhance readability by eliminating awkward phrasing and selecting precise words that make your writing flow smoothly. We'll also ensure consistency in voice and style, addressing verb tenses and point of view, and maintaining a consistent writing style throughout your manuscript.

Although this is not a copyedit, we’ll correct obvious errors in your manuscript.

This service includes one hour of follow-up support and a customized style sheet to keep your manuscript consistent throughout.

Our line edit is essential for most books. It's the sentence-level polish that will make your book truly shine.

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