Everything Edit Package

A Developmental Edit + Line Edit


Ready to give your manuscript the royal treatment? The Everything Edit Package is your ultimate editing experience. This comprehensive package includes two key stages: a developmental edit and a line edit.

First Round: developmental editing

During the developmental edit, we'll dive deep into your story or subject. For fiction and memoir, we'll examine narrative elements like your hook, plot, characters, and how you build your world. For nonfiction, we'll scrutinize your argument, analysis, and how you organize your ideas. This in-depth feedback will provide you with a roadmap for revisions, helping you strengthen your story or argument.

Second round: line editing

Once you've incorporated the feedback from the developmental edit, we’ll do a line edit. This means we’ll meticulously refine your writing at the sentence and paragraph level. Although this is not a copyedit, we'll also correct obvious errors and make sure your writing style is consistent and clear.


Beyond the edits, our editors are available to answer your questions and guide you through the revision process with three hours of follow-up support. You'll also have the option to schedule a consultation call with your developmental editor to discuss their findings in detail.

The Everything Edit Package is perfect for writers who are serious about getting their book published, whether traditionally or through self-publishing.

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