Lisa Wong
artful editor
Lisa Wong is a freelance editor specializing in developmental and manuscript evaluations. When she is not assisting Artful Editor with business and editorial tasks, she works as an assistant editor for Art + Deco Agency, LCS Literary, and as an in-house editor and ghostwriter for ArtHouse Literary. She also freelances for Monterey Bay Parent and the Davis Enterprise and has her own editing business, where she offers manuscript development services as well as query letter critiques. Lisa holds a BA in Communication from UC Davis and resides in Woodland, California with her partner. In any spare time, you can find her following one of several pursuits: reading, writing a novel about resentment, learning languages, or playing soccer.
manuscript critique
developmental editing
project management
literary, contemporary/upmarket fiction, mystery and suspense, crime, thriller, women’s fiction, memoir, creative nonfiction, self-help, craft books
selected projects
To come…