Ernesto Mestre

artful editor

Ernesto Mestre is an award-winning novelist, editor, writing coach, and translator. He has taught at several prestigious MFA writing programs over the last two decades, and his work has been awarded fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the New York Foundation for the Arts. His novels, The Lazarus Rumba and The Second Death of Única Aveyano, have received critical acclaim from the New York Times Book Review, the Washington Post Book WorldThe Baltimore Sun, and Kirkus. A third novel, Sacrificio, is out from Soho Press. He has edited many novels for various New York publishing houses.


  • manuscript critique

  • developmental editing

  • book coaching

  • agent query review

  • book proposal review

  • ghostwriting


literary fiction, thriller, crime fiction, horror, science fiction & fantasy, young adult, LGBTQ, women's fiction, historical fiction, mystery, erotica, commercial fiction, self-help, philosophy & religion, art & film, literary criticism, biography, memoir, spiritual & new age, science, business & entrepreneurship, history, politics & current events

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